Parent FAQ
If your answer is not covered below, please feel free to call our office anytime. 484.772.0486
Where exactly is Virginias’ Outdoor Classroom?
Virginias’ Outdoor Classroom is nestled in the Allegheny Mountains and our nearest large towns are Warm Springs, CA and Marlinton, WV. The classic resorts of The Homestead, Snowshoe and The Greenbrier are also close by.
Where will my child be sleeping?
All students sleep in our dormitory style cabins that are typically separated by gender and age. Cabins are all in our common main village area that allows for easy and comprehensive supervision by facilitating staff.
Who will be looking after my child?
Our instructors are responsible for the facilitation of all environmental and educational activities during the day and evening. During this time our staff ensure all students are engaged and participating in a positive manner. School faculty and parent chaperones are responsible for the student well being at other times and overnight.
Can I speak to my child during their stay at Virginias’ Outdoor Classroom?
Students are not permitted to have cell phones at Virginias’ Outdoor Classroom. This is to encourage them to enjoy life “unplugged” - to live in the moment and appreciated their surroundings. If there are any concerns during your child’s stay, we will contact you immediately. If you need to reach us, please call the phone number listed in the Family Handbook. When preparing your child to be away from home, we encourage you to be positive! Let them know homesickness is normal, but focus on raising excitement about the memorable experience they will have.
How will my child’s allergy or dietary needs be handled?
Prior to your child’s arrival we will collect all relevant information pertaining to dietary needs, requirements and allergies. The group leader and our on-site liaison will ensure all concerns are communicated to our food service staff as well as medical staff.
What happens if my child gets ill, or takes medication?
Our on-site health center will handle the distribution of all medications. Detailed information related to this procedure is included in the Family Handbook. If your child is ill you will be contacted by the group leader.