Our Team

Originally from Beautiful Guam, followed by a stint in Southern California, Brian has been in the camp world since 2004, and Environmental Education since 2007. Prior to that, you could find him in a high school History classroom, or coaching students in both Football and Wrestling. Graduating with a BA in History and an MS in Recreation Administration, Brian is an outdoor fanatic, loves paddling trips, backpacking, and can’t leave the house on Saturdays during College Football Season; he might miss something.

Director of Environmental Education-Brian Babauta

Director of Environmental Education

-Brian Babauta

Director Camp Twin Creeks-Iain McClements

Director Camp Twin Creeks

-Iain McClements

At camp since 2001, Iain works full time with Camp and is Father to Harrison (14), Finnley (10) and Blake (6). Amy and Iain love seeing their kids outside and the positive energy it brings to the typical family dynamic! They regularly take camping trips together and truly appreciate the National Parks all over the country as well as local WV and PA sites.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
— Mahatma Gandhi