The wonderful academics at the North American Association for Environmental Education have prepared a guide using a study that Stanford University led. Stanford University experts researched over 110 peer reviewed academic writings spanning over 20 years. In their research they found what we already know. Not only does environmental education help kids learn and respect nature and the environment, kids also walk away with greater confidence, improved academic performance and improved critical thinking skills to name a few.
“According to a number of studies, EE can improve student performance on tests (including standardized tests) across a range of subject areas. That’s because it can help students think critically, solve problems, improve their creativity, and more.1 One study, which compared 77 schools, found students in schools with environmental education consistently outperformed other schools on state standardized tests in math, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. Another study in Washington state found that 65 percent of the schools with environmental education programs performed significantly better in math.2
We’ve know for years that environmental education programs assisted students in areas other than the environment. We now have scientific data from peer reviewed journals to back up what we inherently known. Sending your students to Virginias’ Outdoor Classroom not only helps them become more conscience of the environment, it helps them become better all around students.
Bartosh,O., Tudor, M., Ferguson, L., & Taylor, C. (2006). Improving test scores through environmental education: Is it possible? Applied Environmental Education and Communication 5(3), 161-169
Jennings, N., Swindler, S., & Koliba, C. (2005). Place-Based Educatiion in the Standards-Based Reform Era-Conflict or Complement? American Journal of Education 112(1), 44-65. doi:10.1086/44452
Wheeler, G. & Thumlert, C. (2007). Environmental Education Report. Olympia, WA: OSPI
Bartos, O., Tudor, M., Ferguson, L., & Taylor, C. (2006). Improving test scores through environmental education: Is it possible? Applied Environmental Education and Communication 5(3), 161-169
Jennings, N. (2005). Place-Based Education in the Standards-Based Reform Era-Conflict or Complement? American Journal of Education 112(1), 44-65. doi: 1086/44522
Danforth, P.E., Waliczek, T.M., Macey, S.M., & Zajicek, J.M. (2008). The effect of the National Wildlife Federation’s Schoolyard Habitat Program on fourth grade students’ standardized test scores. HortTechnology 18(3): 356-360